Talks&Drinks Łódź
with friends

April 18th, 2024
Loftmill React, Łódź
After Katowice it's time for Łódź! Hereby we invite you to the second event in the Talks&Drinks series, which this time will take place on April 18th
(start at 4:00 pm), in the Loftmill React office in Łódź, located in the React building, al. marsz. Józefa Piłsudskiego 24.
The meeting will again be run in the "with friends" model, which means that in addition to the members of the Pro Progressio Club, representatives of other organizations invited by the Club members may appear at the event.
If you are a member of the Club, you are very welcome to join us!
If your company is not in the Club yet, you can come to our meeting if you receive such an invitation from one of the companies that are already in the Club. You can find out who is in the Pro Progressio Club on
Let’s meet in Łódź!
News from Pro Progressio and the BSS World
Business update from Łódź
Current labor market situation
For whom?
A meeting for members of the Pro Progressio Club and their invited guests.
Registration takes place only using emails in the business domain. Registrations using domains such as,, and other general email services will not be accepted.

Adam Pustelnik
First Vice Mayor of City of Łódź, Łódź

Aleksandra Maciaszek
Strategic Client Manager w Enterprise Solutions (RPO), HAYS Polska

Wiktor Doktór
CEO, Pro Progressio