Talks&Drinks with friends

December 7th, 2023
Loftmill Lixa C, ul. Kasprzaka 4, Warszawa
This is the last networking meeting in the Talks&Drinks series in 2023. Once again, it is run in the "with friends" model, which means that in addition to the members of the Pro Progressio Club, representatives of other organizations invited by the Club members may appear at the event.
We meet in the beautiful LOFMILL office spaces in the Lixa C building in Warsaw, at ul. Kasprzaka 4 (5th floor), where we will sum up the year 2023 and have the opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere.
Talks&Drinks Warsaw is 30 minutes of know-how and business update part and 2 hours of networking.
You are very welcome!
If your company is not yet a member of the Pro Progressio Club, on this website you will find more information about what the Club is, what benefits it offers to your company and who is already a member.
Talks&Drinks are meetings of the Pro Progressio Club community, which have two main goals - a know how sharing lasting 30 minutes and a networking part lasting 2 hours. Talks&Drinks are available only to members of the Pro Progressio Club and from time to time in the Talks&Drinks with friends formula, in which other companies can also participate at the special invitation of Club members.
For whom?
A meeting for members of the Pro Progressio Club and their invited guests.
Registration takes place only using emails in the business domain. Registrations using domains such as,, and other general email services will not be accepted.