2021 Game Changers
The BSS World is changing every day, however there are some trends that are becoming game changers. For the first BSS Tour event in 2021 Pro Progressio has decided to run it in International scale. “2021 Game Changers”, as this is the main theme of the event will connect speakers and participants from Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, UK and other Countries.
<br><br>You can expect on-line debate focused on the most important industry trends in 2021.
The BSS World is changing every day, however there are some trends that are becoming game changers. For the first BSS Tour event in 2021 Pro Progressio has decided to run it in International scale. “2021 Game Changers”, as this is the main theme of the event will connect speakers and participants from Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, UK and other Countries.
<br><br>You can expect on-line debate focused on the most important industry trends in 2021.

As the first one you will get familiar with:
- larger interest in outsourcing,
- increase of nearshoring,
- process automation,
- remote work,
- and much more.
This time we are not able to arrange you live networking sessions, but if you are interested in having online short talks in our virtual rooms, let us know and during brakes between the panels we can let you in the small rooms with other participants to allow you to build business relationships.